Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pachube and Augmented Reality

A video showing a pretty cool application of some relatively simple data from Pachube using augmented reality

Flowgraph Plugin System

The Flowgraph Plugin System for Crysis Wars can be found from the following link:


Add Vegetation

This tutorial demonstrates how to add vegetation to a Crysis level

AI Follow Path

This tutorial shows how to add an AI character and how to get that character to follow a path using flowgraph

Terrain Texture Tutorial

This tutorial builds on the Initial Setup tutorial to edit the environment with more varied textures

Initial Setup Tutorial

This video tutorial shows how to make a basic level from scratch.
It is aimed at students that haven't used Crysis Sandbox before and should give a basic understanding of the Snadbox Editor

Monday, July 18, 2011

Flowgraph Plugin System Tute

This video demonstrates the process for creating a Mod with the flowgraph plugin system as required in the task for week 1.
It has been edited since the first weeks tutorial session to include some additional information regarding the .bat file and how to move it into your mod folder